INMM Award for Education and Outreach |
CriteriaINMM Award for Education and Outreach recognizes an exceptional team, organization or individual who has given outstanding service to educating the public and/or the new, incoming and current practitioners in the field of nuclear materials management. The individual or team leader must be a member in good standing of the Institute. The team or organization do not have to be members of the Institute. This Award is administered by the Education and Training Committee and the Awards Oversight Committee of the INMM. INMM membership shall be verified by INMM HQ upon receipt of the nomination.
Previous Winners
3/7/2024EARIS Metric - Survey
2/23/2024Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp, 2024
2/3/2025 » 2/6/2025
Pebble Bed and TRISO Fueled Reactors Nonproliferation Workshop